Nutrition >> Banana split

Banana Split

  • V
  • Serves 1
Banana Split
  • 330 kcals/serving
  • 9.5g Protein
  • 11.4g Fat
  • 53.4g Carb
Banana Split
Banana Split
  • 330kcal
  • 9.5g Protein
  • 11.4g Fat
  • 53.4g Carb

Banana Split

  • V
  • Serves 1


1 banana

1 tbsp almond/peanut butter

2 tbsp yoghurt

Handful of berries

2 tbsp granola


Step 1

Peel the banana, split it down the centre lengthways and place in a bowl.

Step 2

Spread the nut butter over the banana and place the 2 scoops of yoghurt on top. Scatter over the berries and granola and serve.